Dementia - Visiting the Dentist

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Guidelines for Dental Care for Individuals with Dementia

Maintaining Continuity of Dental Care

It's beneficial to maintain the same dentist for familiarity:

  • Inform the Dental Practice: Notify the dental practice about the person's dementia.
  • Choose a Suitable Time: Schedule appointments during quieter periods, such as after lunch.
  • Presence of Carer: Ensure a carer or family member accompanies the individual during the visit.
  • Take Home Advice: Request the dental team to provide written advice to take home.

Planning Dental Visits

Effective planning ensures optimal dental care:

  • Frequency of Visits: Discuss with the dentist the recommended frequency of visits based on oral health needs.
  • Denture Check: Even with full dentures, annual visits are important to check soft tissues and denture fit.
  • Special Care Dentistry: Explore options like home visits or special care dentistry if attending a regular practice becomes difficult.

Treatment Considerations

Addressing treatment needs:

  • Options for Complex Treatment: For complex treatments, discuss options such as sedation or general anaesthesia.
  • Legal and Decision Making: If decision-making capacity is lost, involve a named person (power of attorney) in treatment decisions or proceed with a 'best interest' assessment.