Dental professionals

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Types of Dental Professionals Explained

Dental Receptionist

Role: The dental receptionist assists in booking appointments, explaining treatments, and discussing costs. They are invaluable in helping new patients navigate their visit.

Dental Nurse

Role: Dental nurses support both the dentist and the patient during procedures, offering explanations and assistance. They can progress to roles involving teaching, additional dental duties, and career advancement.


Role: Dentists diagnose, treat, and maintain dental health. They may specialise in specific areas of dentistry or practice as general dental practitioners.

Hygienist and Dental Therapist

Role: Hygienists focus on periodontal disease treatment and dental cleaning. Dental therapists, with additional qualifications, can perform tasks like small fillings and children's dentistry.

Other Dental Care Professionals

Role: You may be referred to specialists such as:

  • Oral Surgeon: Specialises in complex tooth extractions.
  • Periodontist: Deals with gum health and more advanced procedures.
  • Endodontist: Performs root canal treatments to save teeth.

These professionals provide specialised care to address specific dental needs.

Seeking Information

Advice: Feel free to ask any questions you have before seeing a dental professional. They are dedicated to explaining procedures or referring you to the appropriate specialist.