Dentures and dementia
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Denture Care Guidelines for Caregivers
Importance of Denture Care
Proper care for dentures is crucial:
- Regular Cleaning: Dentures, like natural teeth, should be brushed twice daily.
- Remove Overnight: Remove dentures overnight to allow the gums to rest and prevent conditions like denture stomatitis or oral thrush.
- Storage: Keep dentures moist when not in use, ideally in a denture pot with water or salt water.
- Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning agents as directed by the manufacturer but supplement with manual brushing.
How to Clean Dentures
Effective techniques for cleaning dentures:
- Brushing: Use a toothbrush or denture brush with non-abrasive toothpaste or denture cream over a bowl of water.
- Removing Dentures: Gently slide fingers along the cheek side to break the seal and remove dentures carefully.
- Fixatives: Apply denture fixative sparingly for comfort, ensuring both dentures and mouth are dry.
Managing Loose Dentures
Addressing concerns with loose dentures:
- Consult a Dentist: If dentures are persistently loose, seek advice from a dentist, especially in stable conditions.
- Naming Dentures: Request the dentist to add the patient's name in the denture's acrylic to prevent misplacement.
Loose dentures can pose risks for individuals with advancing dementia and swallowing difficulties.