Teeth Brushing

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Effective Tooth Brushing Tips

Frequency and Timing of Brushing

Brushing Frequency: Brush teeth twice daily, ideally last thing at night and another time during the day.

Timing Considerations: Morning rush may not be the best time; choose a calmer time later in the day to ensure thorough brushing.

Post-Eating Routine: Brush after finishing eating and drinking for the day to maintain oral hygiene.

Techniques for Supporting Brushing

Assisting Someone's Brushing: Stand together, use a mirror, and encourage a small circular motion, covering each quadrant over two minutes.

Use of Apps and Charts: Brushing apps and charts can boost motivation and ensure thorough brushing sessions.

Choosing the Right Toothpaste and Brush

Selection of Toothpaste: Choose toothpaste that suits preferences and needs, such as flavour-free options like OraNurse for those sensitive to taste or foam.

Specialised Toothpaste: Options for sensitivity or gum disease can also aid in maintaining oral health.

Optimal Toothbrush: Opt for a small-headed toothbrush with soft to medium bristles for effective cleaning.

Barman's Brush: Consider a Barman's brush if compliance is challenging, as it cleans three sides of the tooth simultaneously.

Addressing Specific Oral Challenges

Pouching Concerns: Use a thimble brush or children's toothbrush to sweep away food remnants, particularly for those with poor teeth and tongue control.