Gum disease

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Gum Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Overview of Gum Disease

Prevalence: Gum disease is one of the most common diseases in the western world.

Progression: It ranges from minor irritation with bleeding gums to periodontal disease, leading to bone loss and tooth loss.

Early Detection and Treatment

Effective Treatment: Early detection allows for effective treatment with good oral hygiene practices.

Preventive Measures: Regular cleaning between teeth with floss or interdental cleaners can help prevent plaque and tartar build-up.

Advanced Stages of Gum Disease

Progressive Symptoms: As gum disease advances, tartar accumulates around the tooth root, causing gaps and bone loss.

Symptoms: Red, sore gums that bleed easily, increased tooth mobility, and pain are common symptoms.

Professional Assessment: Dentists or hygienists measure pocket depth to assess disease progression.

Treatment Options

Professional Cleaning: Dental hygienists can perform deep cleaning to remove plaque beneath the gum line.

Long-term Management: Although bone loss cannot be reversed, regular cleanings can improve gum health.

Restoration: Treatment aims to restore gum health and prevent further deterioration.