Learning Difficulties and conditions of the oral cavity
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The Importance of Saliva in Oral Health
Role of Saliva
Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health:
- Protection: It helps protect the teeth from dietary acids and sugars.
- Hydration: Saliva keeps the soft tissues of the mouth hydrated.
Managing Saliva Levels
While saliva is beneficial, managing its levels is important:
- Over salivation can be protective, but ensure surrounding tissues remain dry.
- Use Vaseline for cracked lips at the corners of the mouth.
- Xerostomia (Dry Mouth): Reduced saliva due to medication increases the risk of:
- Periodontal (Gum) disease
- Tooth decay (caries)
- Saliva replacement gels and sprays can be prescribed for dry mouth.
Special Considerations
Special conditions may affect oral health:
- Mouth Breathers: Those with an open mouth are prone to dry mouth.
- Challenging Behaviour: Individuals with challenging behaviour or severe coordination problems may experience mouth trauma.
- If trauma occurs (e.g., biting cheeks, lips, or tongue), rinse with salt water and monitor for healing.
- Down Syndrome: Individuals with Down syndrome may have large tongues, making denture wearing challenging.